Color problems with scans

Hello I’m not sure exactly what I’m doing wrong. I’m scanning my film and it seems like potentially the white balance is off. On the left is scanned with digital camera using negative lab, which is off. On the right is taken with my iPhone which seems more color correct.

Any suggestions?

Hi @Jbstarke

I can see some localized color issues (for instance, the colors in the center of the frame are warmer than the colors on the right side of the frame), and that usually indicates some issues with the setup or camera settings. It could be that the light source you are using is not evenly illuminated. Or the issue could be your camera settings (you want to have you aperture around f/8.0 to prevent vignetting).

CleanShot 2024-09-10 at 13.34.29@2x

But even still, you are only a few seconds away from being close to the color balance of the right side image, if that’s what you want.

Just adjust the Temp and Tint setting in Negative Lab Pro to get the neutrals balanced (mainly, add more yellow).

Then, I would pull down the “brightness” slider to add more richness, and add some contrast to give it more pop.

You may find it difficult to color balance though until you fix whatever issue is causing differences in color in different parts of the frame. Because right now, if you color balance based off the right side of the image, but the time that is balanced, I expect the middle would be way too warm.

Thank you Nate. The aperture settings are 8 but camera just doesn’t read the aperitif from my macro lens.

I think it must be the light source because I then used my iPhone (I found a post you created about how to screenshot a white page, crop, and adjust phone settings)and they came out much better. Im not sure what’s wrong with the original light source. It’s just a light box for tracing.

After using the iPhone, one roll still came out a bit red and unbalanced but most others came out just fine.