Hello all.
I am trying to get a download link from https://www.negativelabpro.com/download/ but nothing happens when I fill the form.
I tried multiple email addresses and multiple web browser, but with the same result. When I hit the “Send download link” button, a red square appears above the form and nothing happens.
Do you have an idea why ?
November 23, 2019, 4:56pm
Hmm, weird. Do you have everything filled out? Just tried and seems to still be working.
Can I ask what operating system and browsers you have tried?
You can also go directly to the download page here (skipping the form): https://www.negativelabpro.com/download-for/
The only issue is that you won’t receive updates if it hasn’t been able to confirm your email…
Thanks for the answer.
I filled everything yes.
I tried several things that didn’t worked out:
Changed browser (I am curently with Chrome Version 78.0.3904.108, I tried Edge too, windows 10)
Changed my network using my Android phone and my wife’s Iphone using no wifi.
Deactivating Adblock (you never know)
I am from France, maybe there is something to do with that ?
Is there a way to get the updates even if I install the plugin from your link ?
For info, it finally worked today.
After trying everyday since last week. Hurray !