Hi everyone! I’ve been experimenting with lots of scans and using a “reference” lab scan that I’m trying to match. I feel it’s one of the best scans I’ve ever gotten from a lab, and an image I really like.
I’d really like to figure this out before I embark on my entire backlog of film for some serious projects and festival/show submissions. I want to feel confident in my technique and not second guess or feel like I could’ve gotten a better scan from the lab. So I could really use some tips from those of you that know the software and settings inside out, maybe @nate and others?
I recently upgraded to NLP 2.1.2 and LR 9.2 - and the results now are much closer than my best ones previously with NLP1.1/LR 7.5, but it’s still not quite there.
If anyone can provide some tips on things/settings I can try to do differently in NLP and in Lightroom menus to get closer to my reference scan, that would really help me out.
Here’s my best so far, I need some tips to match #2 to #1 :
1. Original lab Scan with Nortisu QSS-3411
2. My Scan with NLP: Nikon D750 + Micro Nikkor 60mm, Digitaliza 120 holder, LED light table. I made the scan 1250px on the long side just so it’s the same size as the lab scan I want to copy.
I’m listing all my NLP settings below. What should I try to get it closer to the lab scan? Which looks a bit sharper and clearer for lack of a better word and the exposure seems a bit different …
NLP Settings:
Source [Digital Camera]
Color Model [Noritsu]
Pre-Saturation [3 - Default]
Border Buffer [5%]
Tones [Shadow Hard]
Brightness [-3]
Contrast [+6]
Lights [+0]
Darks [+8]
Whites [+2]
Blacks [+6]
[Soft Lows checked]
Film Color [Kodak] - my negative is Portra 400 and “Kodak” looked closest from the defaults
Mids Color Sliders [C+7 M-3 Y-5]
Sharpen [Lab]
LR Settings:
Lightroom Sharpening [Amount 100 | Radius 1.0 | Detail 0 |Masking 0]
Lightroom Export Menu Sharpening [NONE]
Lightroom Export Resizing [Long Edge 1255px]
Especially for sharpening, maybe I need to do something differently in LR as well? To get the same type of output as my reference scan.
I should also mention I’ve pored over both the text guide and the video guide on the NLP site and also Nate’s older Youtube video “DSLR Film Scanning Guide + RAW Lightroom Editing”, so I feel like I’m not missing any advice from those resources. The Youtube tip to flip the Digitaliza for better light distribution improved my scans a bit.
Thanks in advance for any tips!!!
Andriy Mishchenko
Montreal, Canada