Pakon Scanners + Negative Lab Pro

Thank so much for the work on the Pakon side of NLP, Nate. 2.3 has made me enjoy that little scanner so much. I don’t use PPRC, but rather use the Imagemagick convert command within for simplicity, then use the tiff prep with the pprc option. Images from NLP v2.3 and the Pakon are rich with colors and the range is so good.

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Is that actions do the same as the tiff prep utility?

Yes, you should be able to use the photoshop actions on regular linear TIFFs (not just Pakon files), and that would replace the need for running the tif prep utility.

Try entering 16 for the header bytes in the photoshop import screen.

Even easier, if you have imagemagick installed, just run this on your *.raw files

You can loop them into a simple shell script:

mkdir output
for rawfile in $(ls *.raw)
        short=$(echo $rawfile | cut -d. -f1)
        convert -size 3000x2000+16 -depth 16 -interlace plane rgb:${rawfile} -gamma 2.2 -auto-level output/${short}.tif

Hi there and welcome.

Yes, you should still use the --e6 flag and not the --bw one, because you want the resulting image to still be a negative. With PPRC it’s the same command regardless of being color or bw.