Does anyone have any tips for removing vignetting created by the film camera’s lens?
It seems like applying a radial mask in Lightroom can help, but you have to correct for the exposure slider adding orange (maybe from the film base?) using white balance; also I’ve noticed it sometimes helps to re-convert the image (not the end of the world). Playing with different inverted sliders can help, but its a bit headache-inducing.
I know you could also just create a positive copy and then correct it on that, which would probably work fine - I’m looking for ways to keep the number of copies down for spaghetti-management reasons.
never had any problems from vignetting produced by film camers lens
I had problems produced by macro lens upon digitizing process - LR’s built-in lens profile usually helps + adjusting vignette setting manually. Can you provide some examples of what is actually happening?
Take scissors and cut the inner part out in a way that vignetting is eliminated.
Novel enough?
Other than that: If your scanning lens has some vignetting and you put it up to compensate the original vignette, you might be just fine. Nevertheless, some loss of quality might be visible due to the superposition of two less-than-ideal situations.
if vignetting is already present on the film original, you have no choice but correct it after conversion to positive - otherwise the color balance of the shot will be completely thrown off.