Tiff Scan Prep lossoes som IPTC data

When using Tiff Scan Prep on Flextight files (Mac), following metadata fields gets dropped:

Contact: Address, City, Postal Code, Phone, E.mail, Website
Copyright: Copyright Status, Rights Usage Terms, Copyright Info URL

IPTC Extension
Admin: Suppliers Image ID, Source Type

I hope it can be fixed ;o)


Hi @michaelbothager,

Sorry for delayed response… missed this somehow.

This should be fixed as of v2.1.2. If you have version 2.1.0, please upgrade to v2.1.2 and it should take over all the appropriate metadata from the previous tiff.

Let me know if this is not the case after you’ve upgraded to v2.1.2.


Hi @nate

I’m using v2.1.2.


Nate, any chance of you looking into this issue?


Yes, sorry. Can confirm that the TIFF prep utility is not bringing over the metadata from the previous TIFF file. Fix will be upcoming in v2.1.3.

In the meantime, you can use Lightroom’s “Sync Metadata” feature to bring over those metadata fields to the newly created Tiffs.
