Trouble with colors and saturation - Nikon Z5

You should definitely be able to get some good scans out of this setup.

Feel free to share some RAWs with me (either here on the forum, or you can email me at and I will take a look.

Even if the initial conversion does not look great, it can usually be fixed pretty quickly.

If the images have insane amounts of contrast and saturation, this usually means you need to adjust the BlackClip and/or WhiteClip points to better match the natural dynamic range of the scene. For instance, if you are shooting a beach scene without anything dark in the scene itself, you may need to set the BlackClip to a negative number to account for this (there are other ways to do this, but this is the simplest).

In terms of color balance, usually one of the autocolor options will provide a good balance, but it isn’t always perfect, so learning how to adjust the temp and tint is key (don’t be afraid to make big changes to the numbers, just trust your eyes!).

It’s possible that these are just tricky scenes, but it is also possible that the original negatives weren’t exposure properly, or the film was expired, or the film was not developed properly or with old chemicals. There are a lot of variables in film, but once you are able to get the workflow tuned in, the results can be incredibly rewarding.

You should look into wet mounting your camera scans! No dust or scratches. Takes a bit longer to setup, but the results are unbeatable.