Hi all!
One problem I seem to be having is not getting good continuity with my scans when I’m taking them in Capture One.
Is there any way based off the film rebate to get scans at the proper exposure levels every time?
At the moment I’m basing the shots I’m taking in Capture One by eye and I was wondering could I use the colour picker to get certain RGB levels off the rebate?
Check out this thread on how to expose your scans: Setting Global Exposure Using The Film Leader
Negatives can vary greatly depending on how the shots were measured, taken and developed. Exposing to the right off a piece of unexposed film should make sure that highlights are not blown, meaning that dark areas (after conversion) keep details that could otherwise be destroyed.
Cheers for the reply. I’m just looking for a constant to use as until now it’s been alot based on eye/histogram reading of the image.
So the best way to keep it constant is to shoot a light panel without film and exposure to where you’re just near clipping?
Yes and no. There is no real need for constant aperture, time and iso settings because NLP is quite tolerant to exposure. You’d probably want to compensate for negatives that are overexposed (dark). Camera sensors are linear in theory, in reality, highlights can deteriorate if exposed too much to the right. How much is too much? You can find out if you take a series of shots, increasing exposure in thirds until highlights clip. Also look for primary colours that shift with too much exposure. To get the right balance between colours, exposure can be increased, but less than if you only look for clipping. Leave some empty space at the right edge of the histogram.
I get you now. Just wish there was more an exact way to get proper exposed digital scans, as you can meter your film shots perfectly, develop the shots properly and then when it comes to scanning it is a bit trial and error till it looks okay. It works for sure just wish for more continuity, cheers!
Exact and proper are difficult words - at least in my photographic universe.
Exposure meters think you shoot a medium grey wall and give the proper and exact exposure for that case. Modern exposure measurement is more advanced than that, still we want or need some compensation if we shoot bright or dark subjects - because the process includes technical components that have limited capabilities (as we do).
Welcome to the real world