I’ve used a color head from an enlarger and tried to compensate at least some of the orange mask by setting the C/M/Y filters accordingly. While the film base was as neutral as I could make it, the converted images did not look much different from the ones taken without corrections. NLP does a pretty good job in getting you a decent starting point, no matter what kind of (good) light you use. My conclusion was that it was not worth the effort.
I’ve also tried with an inverted shot of the film base as backlight on an iPad. Same conclusion.
As for the idea of getting the blue channel out of the noisy corner, a bit of overexposure will do that too.
Expose to the right, keeping highlights a bit away from the right edge of the histogram. Colour negatives tend to have low contrast and therefore allow for some overexposure.
You can find some background info/hints on related techniques by searching for “ETTR” and “UniWB”.
A lot of ideas and tests are documented in this part of the forum.