Capture One Development Request (!)

I’m going to reiterate because the last thread was years ago, but I really hope there’s some way you develop for Capture one Nate. I’ve switched everything over to Capture one for editing except for film because NLP is so great - but there are so many issues with Lightroom and Adobe does not take their quality control issues seriously. Now even across my Lightroom and so many others there is major differences even in the colours between the develop and library modules of LR.

Please consider capture one!

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A couple of years ago, just like you, I have moved to C1… who now just announced dodgy things for their future licensing plans so I would kind of wish for a standalone but I’m afraid it’s too great of a project :-)…

“Differences even in the colours between the develop and library modules of LR.’

There is nothing wrong with Lightroom’s Develop and Library Modules

The ‘problem’ is a lack of understanding of colour management and of how the two modules render image files.

Oh yeah ‘the incompetent user doesn’t get programming’ :roll_eyes:

Unintuitive design is bad design. A user would obviously expect to see what their colours are truly going look like when they’re using the develop module. I’m noticing literally 20 - 30 points of desaturation in that module compared to my library (which is the same as my exports). Thats objectively lazy implementation and no user would ever want to or expect to see different colours from those two panels.

Thanks for your input on the actual request though, that was helpful.

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I’m not trying to upset anyone by saying what I said and it’s not a question of competence or intuitive design either. Just stating facts. The Library and Develop modules do different things in the interest of speed and efficiency. There are differences but these are generally small - unless your monitor is not accurately calibrated or you compare views at other than 100% or more, in which case the difference may be more pronounced. However, most often this complaint comes down to a broken monitor profile.

Lightroom carries out the image processing calculations in its own RGB space.
This internal processing space in Lightroom officially has no name but uses Prophoto primaries in a linear gamma. The Develop controls used to carry out the image processing do so filtered through the Lightroom RGB space plus a gamma 2.2 sRGB tone response curve (known as MelissaRGB), to make tone controls, the histogram and the curves adjustments more user-friendly.

There is no conversion between Develop to Library modules. The reason for occasional slight differences in colour (colour shifts) between the Develop and Library modules is as follows.

Previews in the Library module (and also the Map, Print and Book modules) are rendered and saved in the AdobeRGB colour space as 8-bit JPEGs.

Previews in the Develop module are based on calculations carried out in the LightroomRGB space and filtered through an sRGB tone curve (MelissaRGB).

Because the rendering has been carried out in different (sized) colour spaces one may sometimes see slight colour shifts or banding when switching between the Develop and Library modules. However, as both Develop and Library module images are viewed through the same monitor profile (AdobeRGB or sRGB) these differences are very small to non-existent. Using an intermediate-sized colour gamut as found in Adobe RGB (1998), avoids artefacts, while providing a larger gamut than sRGB…another reason why the LR user might consider a wide gamut display that closely approaches or exceeds Adobe RGB (1998).
The colour one actually sees is defined by the monitor’s native gamut and characterized by the monitor profile. If the monitor is not calibrated/profiled and/or left at default sRGB, all colours will be inaccurate and worrying about Library-Develop module colour shifts becomes moot.

Hope that’s a bit more helpful.


Off topic:
Depending on settings, Lightroom Library shows the built-in previews of RAW files.

On topic:
NLP as standalone app would really be welcome, but as Nate has written elsewhere, NLP is built around services that only Lightroom provides.

From a concept point of view, one could program something like NLP fairly easily, but it would probably take a few person-years to accomplish. Until then, we can always use darktable which I found to be rough around its edges in comparison to Nate’s NLP when I tested DT a while ago.

Hi @Miki

I would love to be able to do something with Capture One, but the issue is that they don’t have a way for me to integrate this plugin into Capture One. Four years ago, they said there were opening up Capture One for plugins, and they released a very very limited Software Developer Kit. It was basically a glorified way to export files in and out of Capture One. Four years later and they have done absolutely nothing with it. It just seems to not be a priority to them.

This comment on the Capture One forum sums it up…

What is the current status of the SDK? It looks pretty abandoned to me.

  • no updates for 4 years (and counting)
  • not a single comment by Capture One staff in the developer forum
  • extremely limited (no access to pixel data, no access to UI control values, …)
  • no meaningful plugins published so far (well, not surprising given the state of the SDK)

In contrast, Adobe continues to regularly update their Lightroom Plugin SDK as they release new features. It isn’t always perfect, but it is still by far the best SDK for making plugins that can integrate directly into the RAW workflow.

I personally love Lightroom and love having NLP directly integrated into the process. It’s a perfect workflow for my needs. So I plan to continue to improve it in v3 and beyond.

BUT, I understand that it isn’t for everyone. So, I’ve done a little bit of groundwork on a standalone version, and I hope to have a standalone version of NLP available by the end of 2023 :slight_smile:


Thanks for the signal, Nate. Looking forward to test it when it’s ready.

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I agree with just about everyone. Going forward, C1 will become subscription based for just about all users so that is no better than LR. I personally don’t like being dragged into the Adobe ecosystem. I don’t use it for anything other than NLP. Perhaps there is a way to interface with Affinity Photo or Luminar Neo, which are purchases and inexpensive.