Did you see my comment on your setup? The issues you are seeing are from your setup. The issues caused by the setup will be more apparent on some negatives, so don’t assume that if some images look OK that the setup is OK. For instance, color film will show the issue a lot more because black and white only shows slight tonal variations, whereas the same issues in color film will show tonal variance as well as color shifts. You will also see larger issues in thin negatives (as the increase required contrast to normalize the image will make any light evenness issues become more apparent).
You need to get even light illuminating your negatives with NO other light coming through, including light coming through sprocket holes. In your first image above, there is clearly some light that has come through the visible sprocket holes.
If you are using the Essential Film Holder, make sure that you have it configured in a way where the film is as close as possible to the diffusion layer. If the light gets diffused too early, it will be more likely that you will get less light on the edges of the frame than in the middle, which could also cause some of what you are seeing.
In the second image, you might just need to color balance it more in Negative Lab Pro. Add some green to offset magenta, and add some yellow to offset the blue. That should help get it closer, but I think it will be even better if you can get your setup dialed in and retake it.