Idea: Make Negative Lab Pro for other programs (Capture One, Affinity, Luminar, Affinity, Lightroom 5, etc)

I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that Lightroom is being abandoned…
I’m almost certain you can auto import photos into Lightroom based on a folder, though I could be wrong
The problem with it being photoshop plugin is that it wouldn’t be able to directly use RAW and it’s also a destructive editor. The thing I love about LR is that I can make all the changes I want to my photos but the original file is unharmed, I wouldn’t get this option with PS.

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Just chiming in to say: “NLP without LR would be very desirable”

The only reason I would require LR is to use this plugin, it would feel like giving money to the wrong person (every month). A standalone version would easily be worth twice your current asking price of the plugin for me.

That said, I know this is not easy…


I still don’t see LR Classic being abandoned, they put out a pretty chunky update out the other day for it. If Adobe didn’t care about it then they wouldn’t update it :wink:
Anyway, there’s advantages and disadvantages to both. Namely that you’d need RAW files for ACR. You’d also have 2 files within ACR for your image. Lightroom (and CC) is a very powerful tool that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It’s much easier (in my opinion) than using ACR with PS, too much clutter in the way, opening files 1 by 1. But to each their own!

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Yes, possible. However the interface, the icon and all does not seem to follow the progress of other apps. Let’s hope they keep developing it.

The plug in could be PS only too. There are other plugin (some historic some present) that do the job in PS. This way you could still manipulate the photo either in PS or LR without the need for duplification that is my biggest grudge against NL :slight_smile:

Regarding the speed and quantity I don’t see much difference especially since working with film rarely produces 1000 shots per session …

Best! :slight_smile:

I know this is a long shot, but I’d love to see NLP as a stand alone program running on Linux as well as Mac and Win. I use RawTherapee for raw conversions, and while it does have a film negative module, it requires more adjustments for colour negatives than NLP seems to, at least by the videos I’ve seen of NLP.


Signed up to make this comment.
I too refuse to succumb to subscriberware, meaning Adobe CC. LR6 is available as a standalone but it will not run on newer Macs/newer OS, which presents a problem to many of us. Fortunately for me PS Elements is still available as a standalone (hard habit to break, using it since v4) and it supports the (nondestructive) Nik plugins.
Another vote for NLP as a standalone, please - and thank you.


+1 vote for a standalone version of NLP! The only reason I have lightroom is so that I can use this software. I would gladly pay for an upgrade to be able to use NLP on its own and ditch the Adobe world…


+1 for stand alone version


Please do keep evaluating! Thank you :pray:


Yes, a non Lightroom version would be lovely. Standalone, Photoshop or Capture One and I would part with my money on the spot.

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I too would love to see either a stand alone version or a plug in for photoshop elements.


Hi Nate,
I too have just signed up to make this comment. I’ll try to refrain from the pro-con Lightroom discussion. Suffice to say I was a huge LR evangelist and am now paying a lot more to pretty much everybody exept Adobe. (mainly CaptureOne, Affinity, and PixInsight) You may consider it a huge compliment that I’m considering to install LR purely to test your plugin further.

I too think it might be worth for you to investigate going stand-alone. NLP makes me excited to start shooting film again. From what I’ve seen so far you succeed in removing every obstacle that I dislike about the process (except maybe for the scanning). I think an application like NLP will be a huge contribution to the entire film-shooting community. I’m sure that the community is more than willing to compensate you for your time, love and effort.

Keep up the great work!


One project that is on my wishlist is to convert my 35mm color negatives to digital. NLP would definitively be my application of choice. The need for LR is holding me back right now, want to stay away from Adobe stuff.
I would immediately buy a license for a stand-alone version of NLP.

Make the calculation: Get Adobe’s photo subscription (pay yearly to get a better price) and get NLP.
If you manage to get through your photos in a year, your total cost will be below 250 USD. Although I’m not a fan of subscription models, I’ve come to appreciate it in case of the photo subscription. It gets me up-to-date software and it’s not (much) more expensive than updating all the other software I’d need or want.

There are alternatives that seem to cost less. Try them out and see if they work for you. Be sure to include your time in your cost considerations. If your time is free, you can convert manually. I tried it and got quite proficient after a while…but NLP is getting me closer to what I want and does it more easily and quickly.

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too bad there is still no progress/news on standalone or plugin for other software

“good news” is that there are some other apps on market today free or paid who can help with negative conversion. But honestly, they are not so good as NLP (yet) …

workaround for me is to use SilverFast, I get comparable results

For those who have C1 you can try the free plugin called Analogue toolbox.

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Standalone please!

I also made the switch to Affinity, which is now also what we use at work in the agency, so no free Adobe CC for me anymore. It’s been a great transition and I truly believe Adobe has lost its “industry standard” position by now.

But, the only thing I really miss is NLP. I work a lot with negatives, and NLP is simply the best conversion tool. I can’t justify paying for Adobe only for NLP conversion, so please please please make a neat simple standalone tool. Nothing fancy, just something to open a raw file, converting it, exporting it as a copy. I would pay again for such a tool.


Non-lightroom version, please. :slight_smile:


Ever hear of smart objects?

That looks promissing.

As someone who also works with software and app development, I understand the difficulty to develop for another program. But would it be possible, and hopefully easier, to adapt NLP to ACR? Like, invoke NLP when photos are opened in Photoshop with ACR.
Anything Lightroom can do, ACR can also do while also faster, better. Not to mention when invoked in Photoshop, ACR has an infinitely superior UI/UX than Lightroom (especially classic), which can’t even free zoom or customize hotkeys.