Hello! Apologies if this has been addressed somewhere else, I couldn’t find any information on it.
I’ve noticed that NLP changes the settings in the “Calibration” tab at the bottom of the develop panel, and was wondering why it does that/what the purpose is. I know what the calibration tab is for in general, but I’m confused about how NLP works to set those values. I’ve played with the settings on a couple of my scans and noticed that I tend to like less green saturation than what NLP sets.
Camera: Canon 6D
Lens: Canon 100mm 2.8 macro
it sounds like it’s picking the NLP camera profile, which changes settings underneath or before camera raw conversion settings, i imagine someone else can explain better, just wanted to respond since no one has yet
The settings applied by NLP depend on which Color Model you select.
The values are left at their default (zero) values unless Noritsu and Frontier are used.
Then, the values are set like this:

- I often use the Basic colour model and find that it gives me well balanced images too.
- Different negatives need different colour model settings in order to produce
the results close to what I want them to be.
I’ve also noticed that the same negative scanned with a different backlight can sometimes benefit from a different color model - I’ve seen people recommend OLED iPhones and newer iPads as backlights but I find that they do funny things to the reds and overall come out more saturated, but that can be essentially corrected back to “normal” (to match a high CRI white backlight) with Camera calibration being pushed even beyond what the a different Color Model would. I wonder if people experimenting with RGB light sources would end up with better NLP conversions if they messed with the Calibration more and created their own custom settings here
yes, some do experiment with RGB light sources, e.g. in the following threads
Look around to discover more…
Have definitely dug through those threads and it seems I’m not the only one getting more contrast and saturation with an RGB source - I know it would likely be a lot of work and he’s sort of said he wouldn’t in those other threads but I do wonder if Nate will ever create optimized color profiles or a different engine for people with RGB sources rather than people needing to build their own software or come up with workarounds in camera calibration or creating custom profiles to replace the normal NLP 2.3 camera profiles