NLP 3.0.2 does not export ISO and Date to EXIF

Hi all! Longtime user, first time poster :slight_smile:

I am failing to get NLP to export the NLP metadata fields of “ISO” and “Date” to standard EXIF tags. Either I’m missing something subtle or I’m hitting a bug.

Here is a screenshot of the metadata fields of an image in lightroom:

I’ve tried several of the default export settings, here is the For Flickr one where I’m making sure “Write EXIF fields with Custom Metadata” is checked:

and confirming that metadata is included in the export settings:

Yet when I do this export, the ISO is the ISO of my digital camera on scanning, and the date is the date of the scan. From Preview’s inspector:

to add to the mystery, some fields are correctly exported. The Camera field from NLP is correctly overwriting the TIFF tags, showing my Canon EOS-1n film camera rather than the Sony digital camera I use in the scan:

Indeed, if I import this photo into the Photos app, you can see that the film camera metadata is exported, but the ISO and date is not:

What is going wrong?

The mystery deepens. When I inspect the exif tags using the “MetaImage” app, it looks right, but in Preview’s inspector, it does not? what?

OK, i’ve made some progress.

It appears that there’s a conflict between the raw camera tags and the NLP export tags.
If I put the export “Metadata” field to “All except camera & camera raw”, then the ISO is correctly written from NLP to the exported file:

The date and time is still the captured time though.

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