NLP looking for file to convert that no longer exists

I’m getting an error where NLP is trying to look for a photo that no longer exists when I try to convert something in LightroomClassic. I get the following error:
ERROR: Could not access original photo for analysis.
Photo Location:
/Users/…/Pictures/SilverFast scans/Ohio Arts.tif
If your photos are on a portable or networked drive, make sure they are connected.

The photo in bold is named in the error every time, but it’s one that’s been removed from both the hard drive and Lightroom - I’m unsure why NLP is still trying to look for that same photo every time, no matter which other photo I select in my Lightroom library. I’ve read posts around a similar error, but so far I haven’t found that anything there has helped me correct the issue. I’m a new user so the issue may be an easy fix that I’m just not seeing, but if there’s any easy fix I’ve missed or some other fix in the community that I haven’t found yet, please point me to it. Thanks in advance!