Pixel Shift vs Regular Capture - quick comparison w S1R

My take: On high quality (B&W) film, somewhere between 40+MP and 170+MP you fully resolve the grain with a great lens. I cannot say where though, exactly. And I think the “crunchy” feeling of camera scans that you often see is because of how the grains are not fully resolved… so this is mitigated by combinations of increasing resolution, light source type, and full RGB capture - whether done with a traditional scanner, a camera or otherwise. I imagine that wet mounting and scanning would yield better results in all formats.

Of course, this is all based on what I can see with my own eyes but should still be seen as somewhat anecdotal rather than fully scientific.

Extra images for examination - top left corner, near center, and extreme center zoom, and “standard” lab scan comparisons (8MP from a Noritsu). Pixel Shift is on left, single capture or lab scan on right… just as before.

I edited the images to be more pleasing to me AND switched all to Gray Gamma to remove the visible color noise. And did the same to the original lab scan, too. The “standard” 3600px lab scan comparisons are quite striking at the bottom.

Extreme Top Left Corner (made relative at 100/200%):

Near Center (made relative at 100/200%):


Near Center (made relative at 200/400%):

Dead center extreme zoom (made relative at 800/1600%):

Dead center extreme zoom of SINGLE SHOT vs LAB SCAN:

Dead center extreme zoom of PIXEL SHIFT vs LAB SCAN:

Pixel Shift downscaled to match vs Lab Scan (both 3637 on the long edge, but slightly different bc lab scan crops much more)