Transferring license to new laptop

Hi all!

This might be a silly question BUT I’m trying to transfer/add my activation code to a new computer (I understand it can be activated on two computers) yet when I type in my activation key, (copied from my email) the “Activate” button doesn’t become enabled. Do I have to “disable” the other computers code? I’m not using the key on any other computer, which is why i’m confused as to why its not working.

Thanks in advance!!



There is a check on the form to make sure that the license key is formatted properly before it will allow you to submit it. So if the “activate” button does not become enabled, it means that you have not put in a license that is in the correct format.

Please note that there is a difference in license format between v3 and earlier versions. So your v3 license will be different than your v2 license.

If you need specific help on this, please email me at
