V2.3 NLP will not open in lightroom!

uff! Thanks a lot @Digitizer and @nate ! This way it finally works :slight_smile:


Just upgraded to Version 3.0.2 and I’m having this intermittent issue.

If I start a fresh instance of Lightroom, I can open individual, already converted negatives in Negative lab pro to adjust color tones / exposure, etc.

But If I select multiple images (a whole roll for example) and try to open NLP (either with the shortcut, or from the menus) I get a very fast progress bar popup that says something along the lines of “gathering metadata, this could take a while” it fills slightly with green progress, and then closes down.

I figured, maybe it’s just loading in the background? I walked away, 10 minutes later, nothing. Then if I go back to try to open just an individual image in NLP to make edits, the same thing happens, nothing pops up after a flash of that progress bar.

I’ve never had this issue processing many, many rolls in my previous 2.x.x versions, Any ideas?


Could you do the following to help me diagnose the issue?

  1. Select three or four images. Confirm that they will not open with v3.0.2
  2. Go to “file > export as catalog”
  3. Make sure “export negatives” is selected
  4. Email the catalog to me at nate@natephotographic.com (using WeTransfer, Dropbox, iCloud, etc)

I can then look and see why these images specifically are not loading in v3 as they should be.


Hey Nate!

Thanks for the reply! I actually found out what the issue was. I was digging around in the forums a bit more, and you suggested that I check a second monitor. and voila, it was there, hiding.

Funny that opening a single image opens the NLP window on my main monitor, and opening multiple images opens the NLP window on my second monitor.

Thanks though, really enjoying the product, and the community!

  • T

Ah, great to know, thank you @tradisrad!

This and above looks like my just reported error @nate (but you might have figured)