Where to store and later retrieve final images:NLP, V750 Pro, LR Classic

NOOB alert: 57 yrs old, been taking pictures since 13; 35mm, 120, 4x5.

I have NLP version (bought oct 2020, first time) with Lightroom Classic on i Mac which is mid-2013 or so, and as a result can’t get most up to date Mac software, so only LR CLassic is available to use).

In NLP/LR Classic I’ve edited some old negs scanned on the flatbed above, no silver fast or vuescan, got to final versions, ready to print and all that, and thought I had exported them somewhere from NLP or LR Classic. Went to print them but I can’t find them. Only the unedited tiff versions appear. Tiff is the raw-est thing the scanner creates.

Before LR Classic and NLP I used the Epson software in the v750, edited in the ca. 2006(?) version of PS that came with the scanner (before subscription based) yielding a tiff. I’d store these on a Lexar thumb drive and also create a jpeg thru PS, for sharing on line. BTW I just updated the Epson scan software for the v750 pro, which I’ve had ten years or so. I also have the latest PS that my 2013 iMac can support.

In NLP/LR Classic I don’t quite understand the choice of files and sub files presented when I hit export a copy (or is it sync?), as my usual storage method doesn’t appear with them. I don’t even know where they actually end up and so can’t get them back, to, say, print for example.

Can’t pull up the end image on history ( the bit that shows the image through each edit action) if I’ve left it for a while ie gone to work on another image, not used LR or NLP in a few weeks. Not on hard drive, thumb drive, iCloud, drop box or anywhere else.

I for sure know I did edit them, dust removal, crop, use the NLP default settings for tones etc, but now it’s like they never existed, My computer is gaslighting me :). Is there a storage site that LR Classic or NLP has that I can’t find? If I didn’t hit save copy would I have lost the image?

I guess My question is basic: How do I save edited images in NLP so I can find them later?

Sorry for the convoluted presentation of my query, but so far I’ve learned only as much as I’ve needed to in order to get a decent, printable image. That is crucial before other things I’ve yet to learn like metadata etc.

Thanks for any help.

Jon Archibald

Your iMac (if it is mid 2013) should be able to run macOS up to Catalina, which is the newest-1 release, therefore, up-to-date software should be no problem…

NLP, as a plug-in to Lightroom, simply adds instructions to the recipe on how to treat an image. These instructions are stored in the Lr Catalog and saved to the respective TIFF file - if Lightroom is set to do so (default setting excludes automatic export, check the metadata tab of your Lr Catalog settings)

Now, if your Lr Catalog has been corrupted or lost and settings not automatically saved, your conversions are gone and you will not be able to see the converted images in Lightroom. Other applications might be unable to interpret NLP instructions anyway and therefore resort to showing the unconverted image.

If you want to make the converted images available outside of Lightroom, you need to export the positives, be it as part of the NLP conversion (see below) or from Lightroom.

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Thanks very much. I’ll double check the date of my iMac, since when I did go to download LR CC it said I couldn’t, only the Classic. Maybe there’s a newer Mac software update available.i will try set LR auto export setting as you described.
Jon A.

NLP is made for Lightroom version 6 and Lr Classic.

Lr Classic requirements are listed here.

@nate, Adobe has changed Lr’s names, the CC is gone… You might want to change your “made for…” info on your website to prevent confusion.

I just checked- I have Mac Sierra OS 10.12.6, no updates available( yet, ever?).
oops, and it’s a mid 2010, not 2013. sorry for misleading.
So LR Classic is all I can do for now.
Ive copied any new images from LR to my lexar thumb drive. may then save a copy of the tiff’s to iCloud drive.
I’ll just play with it for a while. Thanks for your help, both of you.
jon a