1. Which version of Negative Lab Pro are you using?
2. If using film scanner, please include: 1) scanner make/model, 2) software used for scanning, 3) settings used for scanning
Plustek OpticFilm 8200i SE. I scan with silverfast and use the settings recommended by in the NLP guide. Then i take the DNG to lightroom and use NLP to convert and edit.
3. Please add the conversion you are having difficulty with, along with a short description of what you are seeing wrong with it.
A lot of the images I convert and edit with NLP have a predominant red tone that’s very difficult to remove, and sometimes it’s almost impossible to get rid of. I mainly use Kodak Gold (35mm).
6. It’s not required, but it’s very helpful if you can provide a link to the original RAW or TIFF negative before conversion. If you don’t want to share this file publicly, you can also email it to me at nate@natephotographic.com
In this link, you’ll find 2 edited images and 2 unedited ones (just converted) to show what I mean about the red tone. The DNG files for all 4 images are also included.
Thank you!