While I’m waiting for the rest of my digital camera scanning gear to come in (my copy stand has been stuck in customs hell for some unknown reason) I modeled a 3D print for the Raleno PLV-S104 that lets you more easily use it as a lightbox for digital camera scanning.
The Raleno 104 video light has nice specs for use as a scanning light source (CRI > 95, 5600K temp, built-in diffuser, bright output) but it’s made for tripod mounting and has 2 control knobs sticking out the back that prevent it from lying flat. My print is a lightbox that features cutouts for these controls and ports, so it can rest on your copy stand without needing to shim the light with anything.
I’ve also added a holder for the Valoi film carriers, to mask off the light from the Raleno that is not covered by the carrier. There’s also a blank version of the holder that can be modified to adjust the cutout to fit other brands of film carrier, as I imagine a lot of people aren’t using Valoi.
I figured this might be interesting to more people here, so I put my model up on Thingiverse where everyone can download it. The lightbox is a bit big - 18.4cm wide - but should print on most common sized printers. If you do print it, I would love to hear feedback or suggestions, as this is one of my first design projects in Fusion 360. Get the files here:
Important to note: I actually haven’t been able to extensively test my model yet - like I said, my copy stand is stuck somewhere - but my first freehand attempts were very positive.