[archived] Recommended Silverfast settings for using with Negative Lab Pro?

Ooof - I was experimenting with something so there may be a bit of a mistake in that profile, @Carmen … hold tight…

Oh ok, thanks again Nate!

Nate, here is a Silverfast Scan using a Minolta Dimage 5400 (just in case my mail got lost in your spam folder):

The weird scan photo it was happen to me also when I selected on “HDR” mode.
So you just selected on “Positive” and “48-24 bit” it will be fine.

I tried it today, and I see what you mean :).

Hi! Updated profile available for Plustek Opticfilm 120… also added a profile for @Jaroslaw ’ sMinolta Dimage 5400.


Thanks Nate, will do so when I get home. Cheers!

@nate dear sir, your service is among the best that I have ever witnessed. my results with dng’s are even better and accurate then with tif’s and you are saving me hours of time and nerves that I would have spent with SV, Negafix and try and error in Lighroom.
Thank you so much!


Hi @nate,

Here is a 48bit HDR RAW scan I made with my opticfilm 8100

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Hi @Filbert - I’ve profiled and added this to the dropbox above.

This is the first example I’ve come across where there is a slight naming conflict between the Vuescan DNG and the Silverfast DNG… both programs in this instance use the same “camera model” name for the opticfilm 8100 scanner. So at the moment, you will need to remove the Vuescan profiles directory, and add this instead if you want to use it… I’ll have to think about the best way to address this in the future, as I suspect there will be other instances of this happening.

Interestingly, the Vuescan profile and Silverfast profiles are not that far off from each other… the Silverfast output seems to give slightly more natural saturation levels in this instance.


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Hi Nate

Hi @nate

My scan in 48bit HDR RAW using Plustek 8200i and Silverfast. Thanks

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Hi Nate,

Thank you for your work!

I dont really understand where I should put this DCP file. I have to put it in my cameraprofiles directory, and then? Can I enable it in the plugin?

Sorry for misunderstanding.

Once you put it in your camera profiles directory, restart Lightroom. If it has worked properly, when you use Negative Lab Pro, you should see that the profile for the scan has changed to the “Negative Lab” profile.

Ah I see, thanks you!

Hi Nate,

thanks for all your work! Please find a DNG scanned with Silverfast using the recommended settings on my Reflecta RPS10m (otherwise known as Pacific Image XA) below. The stock is Portra 160 and I shifted the frame slightly so that some of the film base is visible on one side. Let me know if I can help you improve Silverfast support in any way. I could for example scan the same image using my Epson V850 for comparison or scan another film stock or image with specific characteristics ( if I find one ).

Hello lovely people!

@nate, can I use the V700 profile you created for my V600 aswell? Everybody seems to have supergood results using NLP and mine have been kind of hit or miss - super motivated to do everything I can in order to make everything work properly tho. But something seems to be fishy on my end. Can I somehow calibrate my V600 for SF or something like that?
Also I gotta try saving to DNGs using SF instead of Tiffs.

Thank you guys!

Hi Nate,

Just bought your software (which is awesome)
I’m using a Reflecta RPS 10M too (which is great for its auto advancing capabilites with silverfast.

Here are some DNG of Portra 400 if you want to work on a DNG Profile.

THanks again.

Hi @nate ,

Here are a couple scans in 48-bit HDR Raw DNG using my Nikon LS9000 with Silverfast. Thank you!


I’m sure you’ve got a ton of recommendations to go through on Silverfast scanning but I have spent the better part of a day, trying to figure out how to make my negatives, scanned in positive mode in silverfast, to look like they do on a light table. I have come up with these settings and, for my V800, it is so much easier to get the colors as they appeared when the image was captured. I hope this helps some others out, but when I had the color management disabled, my negatives looked far too pink and oversaturated. I basically use the Epson input profile and instantly, the negatives looked like they do in real life :slight_smile: I embed Melissa as I believe it’s what lightroom uses internally. Here are the settings:

@nate @egonschiele - is the V700 working on V600? I’m new in this group and I’am still searching the best workflow… TIA, Peter