Edit panel greyed out but negs are already converted

Hello, just picked up NLP after not using for a long time and hit a very odd issue. This has been touched on in other comments by my issue seems different.

  • Scanned film as RAW files as per guide.
  • Imported to Lightroom and followed Update Vuescan/Silverfast DNGs process and profile is saying Negative Lab v2.3 - pakon.
  • Converted the files.

When I go back into the plug in, the edit tab is greyed out. I read that this could be due to the negs not being converted but they clearly are as they look good.
If I re-convert them, the colours are way off but it does let me into the edit tab.
screenshots attached.

The only way around seems to be to re-convert all of them, then unconvert them and finally convert them again.

Can anyone help on this as it’s a bit annoying!