Editing after converting not possible

Hi all,

I’ve just ordered and installed the latest version of NLP (V2.3.0). I am using Lightroom 6.
After converting a negative (Ctrl-alt-N, convert) I can’t make changes in the edit: nothing happened….
I have unchecked the ‘Use Graphics Processor’ (Edit, preferences, performance).

can someone help me?



Is it possible for you to make sure you have the last release of Lightroom 6? I believe it was Lightroom 6.14. There were some bugs in earlier releases of Lightroom 6 that may prevent the plugin from working as it should.


Thanks for your comments,

Current version of Lightroom 6 is 6.10.1.
So you suggest to upgrade to version 6.14? Is that possible?


Hi Nate,

I try to update my Lightroom (Help, Updates) but my version still remains 6.10.1.
What can I do more and working NLP properly well in my Lightroom version?

It looks like the links on Adobe’s server still work for the download of 6.14…

Lightroom 6.14 for Windows: http://prdl-download.adobe.com/Lightroom/60BA1251F1BC48B8B82B1B63AE8E620E/1552643270580/Lightroom_6_LS11.exe

Lightroom 6.14 for Apple: http://prdl-download.adobe.com/Lightroom/60BA1251F1BC48B8B82B1B63AE8E620E/1552642986882/Lightroom_6_LS11.dmg

Can you give that a try and see if you are able to get it installed through that?


Hi Nate,

Thanks! The downloading of the files succeeded.
I was wandering if there are any instructions or guidelines in upgrading to the latest version?
Do you need SN number for example. Because than I have to ‘dig in deep’ in my files/administration…

I’m honestly not sure, but I’m going to guess that at some point you will need to know your serial number.

If you look in some of the Adobe Forums, there are recent posts from customers getting support to get Lightroom 6 working…