I’ve just ordered and installed the latest version of NLP (V2.3.0). I am using Lightroom 6.
After converting a negative (Ctrl-alt-N, convert) I can’t make changes in the edit: nothing happened….
I have unchecked the ‘Use Graphics Processor’ (Edit, preferences, performance).
Is it possible for you to make sure you have the last release of Lightroom 6? I believe it was Lightroom 6.14. There were some bugs in earlier releases of Lightroom 6 that may prevent the plugin from working as it should.
I try to update my Lightroom (Help, Updates) but my version still remains 6.10.1.
What can I do more and working NLP properly well in my Lightroom version?
Thanks! The downloading of the files succeeded.
I was wandering if there are any instructions or guidelines in upgrading to the latest version?
Do you need SN number for example. Because than I have to ‘dig in deep’ in my files/administration…