Is NLP v.3.0.2 good to go with Lightroom Classic v.14.0?

I read somewhere that there might be some “issues” with NLP and “latest versions of Lightroom” but now I can’t find the source of that rumour.

Presently running Lightroom Classic v.13.0.2, without problems. From the viewpoint of using NLP v.3.0.2, is there any reason why I should wait before updating Lightroom Classic to v.14.0, or is that combination known to be compatible?

Read about LrC14 here

I’d hold updating to 14 anyway. It requires a catalog upgrade and NLP 3.0.2 doesn’t play nice with LrC 13.5.1, which is the predecessor of LrC14.

Thanks, I am in no hurry to update to Lightroom 14, so will wait and watch.

I would be curious to know more about, “NLP 3.0.2 doesn’t play nice with LrC 13.5.1.” I tried to search this forum for version compatibility problems, but found nothing. Can you point to some thread where these issues are discussed?

Read through these:

The links go to the latest posts in the threads. Also read older posts. On my Macs, I also had such issues … which were resolved by downgrading Lightroom Classic to version 13.4.

Thanks for those links. Looks like running Sonoma on an Intel iMac may put me in the high risk group for this error, although it appears to be more widespread that that.

Hopefully, when a fix is discovered it will be announced here on the NLP forum, so I will monitor these threads for progress.

Installed LrC14 on macOS Sequoia 15.0.1 on M1 MacBook Air 2020 and found that NLP processed 60 images without issues, but I got an error trying to convert 360 images:

I then acknowledged the error messages (there were three identical popups), launched NLP again, and (somewhat unexpectedly) it completed the conversion of 180 (but not 270) images without further issues.

Then, I selected 180 converted plus 180 unconverted images and launched NLP again. It seemed to go into a never-ending loop that I forced-quit after about 10 minutes.

Please note that I tested with several changes made at one time. It’s therefore not appropriate to point fingers at a suspected cause of the issues. My point here was, and still is, to find out whether holding off the updates made sense. My conclusion: Hard to tell because the situation is better than with LrC 13.5.1, but worse than with LrC 13.4.

But most of all, I hope that @nate will come up with a version of NLP that doesn’t need Rosetta2 any more.

Good to know LrC 14.0 (probably) is going to work better under Sequoia 15.0.1 than under Sonoma; hopefully; fingers crossed.

Personally, I always wait until Apple releases OS XX.4 or XX.6 before I upgrade to the latest MacOS. So it will probably be next summer before I try out Sequoia. By then, we may see newer versions of both Lightroom and the NLP plug-in, and it will be a whole new environment, probably with a whole new set of problems. :wink: