I recently switched my labtop (macbook), I want to export my negative pro presets from my old laptop to my new one. I’ve tried exporting Lightroom presets but it does not contain negative lab pro presets, and I didn’t find a solution online.
Is there a way to back up my negative lab pro presets? I’m thinking hard copy the whole negative lab pro plugins but it looks like the preset locate at somewhere else.
they might be buried in one of Lightrooms files, folders or databases.
Maybe @nate can give us a hint…
The NLP presets are in the following folder:
On Mac:
/ Users / { username} / Library / Application Support / Negative Lab Pro / Presets
On Windows:
C: \ Users \ [username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ Negative Lab Pro \ Presets
If you want to move the presets you’ve created to another computer, you just need to copy them from the folder on your old computer and move them to the same location on your new computer.
Thank you for replying, however I failed to find “Negative Lab Pro” under “Application Support”. I did found “Adobe” folder and located several Negative Lab Pro official presets but none of my User Presets are there.
Nvm, I found it. The “Library” folder is hidden in MacOS, I previously located to a wrong one.
@nate Hi! I do not see the folder Negative Lab Pro within C: \ Users \ [username] \ AppData \ Roaming
And I do have hidden items/folders visible, so I can navigate into Roaming and see subfolders. Is there another location that I can find my NLP presets?
All of my other regular LR folders seem to be in normal locations. LR presets are where you would expect.
I am looking to back them up before wiping my hard drive and reinstalling windows.