Next steps after installation

Newbie here just after buying NLP and Vuescan Pro. I want to make Vuescan raw images from Dlsr raw files (RAF and NEF). Installed both and tried to set relevant files/folders for Lightroom Classic. I’m now floundering with my next steps.

Are you using windows or macOS? Which version?


I using Windows 10. I want Vuescan to make 48bit raw files from my negatives after digitising with my D810 and X100T. Then for NLP to convert.


Okay, I’m on Mac, so my proposal can be fairly simple: Check Nate’s Manual and try things as you go along.

I did a series of trials in order to find out what the best setting might be and found that there are too many variables to make one setting work for all negatives. It could be helpful to work with one film type, e.g. all Ektar 100s in a batch. Learning by doing…


If you are using DSLR raw scans, there is no need to involve Vuescan anywhere in the process. Just bring the RAF and NEF files into Lightroom, and process with Negative Lab Pro.

Creator of Negative Lab Pro

Thanks for you reply which I now understand. I do have a problem with the NLP installation. I followed your procedure but after restarting Lightroom Classic I have not been able to find NLP via any Lightroom menu or right side profile. Obviously I have made an error in the installation process. I’m running fully updated Adobe products and latest Windows 10.0.18363

There is a readme file in the download. Follow each step in order, carefully. If you have an issue, let me know which step number it is that is giving you an issue.


  1. Unzip your Negative Lab Pro download (I’m guessing you’ve already done that if you’re seeing this file.)
  2. From the unzipped download, move the “Negative Lab Camera Profiles” and “Vuescan Profiles” directories to Adobe’s default CameraProfiles folder. This folder is typically found at C:\Users[your username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles\ - but it may vary if you have customized your settings.
  3. Next, copy the “NegativeLabPro.lrplugin” folder into a folder that is easy to navigate to and you won’t accidentally delete later.
    IMPORTANT!!! - You need to place the “NegativeLabPro.lrplugin” on the same drive as Lightroom, and you need to have full read/write access to the folder. Also, make sure there are NO special characters anywhere in the path to the plugin folder (especially relevant to users with accents in their name). If any of the above conditions aren’t met, some of the tools in Negative Lab Pro will fail.
  4. Back in Lightroom, go to “file -> Plug-in Manager”
  5. In the Plug-in Manager, select “Add” then navigate to the folder were you copied your NegativeLabPro.lrplugin
  6. Single-click the “NegativeLabPro.lrplugin” folder, and click “Select Folder” (be sure to select the whole folder, and not a file within it).
  7. If you’ve purchased a license, you can add it now in the Plug-in Manager. Otherwise, you can continue to use your 12 free trial shots.
  8. RESTART LIGHTROOM - you must restart Lightroom after this (otherwise, the camera profiles will not load properly).
  9. If you are using a version earlier than Lightroom Classic v9.0, Make sure to TURN OFF the “Use Graphics Processor” option in Lightroom. To do this, go to “Preferences > Performance” and un-check the “Use Graphics Processor” option.


The shortcut key for Negative Lab Pro must be manually installed on Windows. More information on how to do this can be found here:


You can purchase a license key here: The license will immediately appear in the receipt after purchase. You will also be sent an email receipt with the license. Please keep the license in a safe place.

Once you receive the license, you can activate Negative Lab Pro by going to “file > plugin-manager” inside Lightroom, and enter the license key where shown. Then hit “Submit License Key”