NLP metadata fields

Hi Nate,

I have my own little database where I keep all the information about a negative.
From there I can create exiftool script that ad the most importand exif information to my digital file.
Now I see that I have a lot of information that can be put in the “custom” NLP metadate fields.
Like filmholder etc.
Could you please give me some information how to format my script so I can export all info.

My current script
Data is of course dependend of the image information
/usr/local/bin/exiftool -Make=“Fujifilm” -Model=“GA645Zi” -ISO=“400” -Lens=“Fujinon 1:4.5-6.9 f=55-90mm @90” -LensModel=“Fujinon 1:4.5-6.9 f=55-90mm @90” -LensType=“Fujinon 1:4.5-6.9 f=55-90mm @90” -FocalLength=“90” -MaxApertureValue=“4.5” -FNumber=“13” -ExposureTime=“1/250” -iptc:ObjectName=“Wolken” -iptc:sub-location=“Mechelen” -keywords+=“Film,zwart/wit,120mm” -keywords+=“wolken” -keywords+=“lente,dag” -keywords+=“project” -MeteringMode#=“2” -m -overwrite_original_in_place -DateTimeOriginal=“2020:04:16 11:10” -XMP:GPSLatitude=“51.02145555” -XMP:GPSLongitude=“4.48065277” -Label=“Yellow” -P “-UserComment<-/Scanner Make: Epson V850 /Film: Kodak Tri-X” “/Volumes/G-DRIVE 4TB/ANALOOG RAW ARCHIEF/2020/Wolken/1046.*” -v0
