Warmth and Tint slider ranges too small

Often, when converting daylight-balance colour film that has been shot in tungsten-ish lighting, the white balance picker chooses value that is impossible to manually choose. Is it possible to extend the range accepted by the slider to allow me to reach these values manually, rather than having to use the picker?

Note I do not mean the pre-conversion wb-off-the-film-border white balance sliders.

Are you talking about the things in the red box?

Have you tried other WB presets than e.g. Auto-Neutral?

Yes I am. I usually go with Auto-Mix, sometimes Auto-AVG.

I was under the impression that these just set the two values though, not changing the ranges themselves?

There are a lot of degrees of freedom in NLP … and I help myself by not assuming what something should do, but by trying it out (and trying to remember things later, which is the hard part ;-))

More often than not, I find myself with images, where all the lessons learnt don’t really work the full nine yards. Alas, back to trying, learning, repeat etc. Circle of life?


I suggest remembering not to overlook the fact that NLP and Lr can be worked together to produce the results we are looking for. For example, in your case here, if you have really exhausted the potential for NLP to achieve the correct balance, get it as close as allowable there, then open it in Lr and use Lr’s tools to make further amendments. You can start with Lr’s temp and tint sliders, but if that doesn’t do it for you, the most powerful effects can be had from adjusting the individual channel curves from within the Point Curve tool - but beware - all of this works counter-intuitively and the impact of small shifts can be substantial. AND THEN, if even Lr doesn’t do it for you, take your photo into the 800-pound gorilla and play yet more games in Photoshop. Endless possibilities if you have endless amounts of time to explore it all! (Well, OK, not quite that bad.)

Oh yeah for sure, and this is indeed what i do when i reach these limits. I wonder if it would be possible to just let me type whatever I want into these boxes, given that values outside the range obviously have meaning in the internals of NLP (given the picker tool can create them)

Yes, I will extend the range available for manual input into the number box for temp and tint… currently, the slider range is limited to -60 to +60, but I will update this so that you can manually input a number between the range of -85 to +85. I don’t want to change the range of the slider itself because then it becomes too sensitive to change.

You will find that most of the settings already accept numbers that are a higher range than the slider itself… for instance, while the Brightness slider is limited to +30, you can manually input up to +50… It looks like the program currently allows slightly higher manual input for the Temp slider but does not for the Tint slider, but I will update both of these to accept a higher range…

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