White balance out of range

For some of my negative films the WB range is hitting the lowest limit <2000 and the boarder is not neutral.
Any fix on this issue?

@Sverre , what’s your backlight?
What is its light’s colour temperature?
When exactly do you hit the limit of WB? Setting camera WB or balancing it in Lr?

Of course the border isn’t neutral - it has the colour bias of the film. That’s the whole point of white-balancing, to neutralize it. If you are using roll film you also have the spacer between the photos which would do fine. Use Lightroom’s eyedropper to click in that “blank” interval and it will neutralize the film’s colour balance. Use the resulting numbers of Tint and Temp for all photos on the roll, either by Sync or manually.

Do you mean that once you sample the border the result isn’t neutral? If so then I’d also suspect that your light source might be too warm. Lightroom does have limits but it still surprises me assuming that you are using a RAW file.

@Mark_Segal, I think that’s what the OP is doing. Setting white balance using the eye dropper and getting a number that is below Lighrooms ability, while still not neutralizing the cast of the film.

I’ve not had this happen, but I’ve been close. (Too close) Even using the Negative supply 97 CRI Light source. The only thing I can think of is for the OP to check their light source to see what temp it is and go from there.

You may well be correct. In fact I’m using the Kaiser Slim-plano which has a colour temperature (I measured) of 5100K, which seems to do the job on the range of films I’ve worked with.

Thank you all. I will check color temp of my light. It’s adjustable so this should fix the issue!

(It will be interesting to see if it will change the conversion)

I would like to see a high CRI D65 light source for this very issue. It could help.