White balance problems

Hey guys,

from about a year I have problems with NLP, most likely with correct WB. Few frames on my color rolls almost always have extremely crazy colors and imo it’s a NLP issue, because when I convert the same photo in PS or LR, it doesn’t look like that. Is there any solution to my problem?

Yes, I tried with borders and no borders, I tried different color profiles, but when the photo has many colors, it often look very bad and grain is unnatural.

I attach some examples

Welcome to the forum @2137

Imo, we best consider NLP’s conversions as a starting points from which we create the images and colours as we like them. That being said, both of your images can be worked with reasonable effort…and sometimes it helps to use a 16bit TIFF positive to make things easier.

When I get “difficult” conversions, I often try conversions

  • without prior WB
  • with different border buffer settings or crops. For starters, I’d crop the lower part with the socks off and see what NLP will do.
  • using roll analysis…

Hey, thanks for advice, but I did all of that and nothing helps except setting black clip to -10/-20, but it’s still doesn’t look good always. here’s one of the craziest examples. Processing: Zrzut ekranu 2024-09-27 o 21.22.30.png…

it costs a lot of work to make it more normal, but still the grain and density of the photo is terrible. while converting it manually the bottom is yellow (not aggresive orange) and the sky is baby blu, not purple.