Newbie question here…and more of a LR then a NLP question at that
How do I apply the same White Balance settings to mulitple files in LR?
I am scanning the same image with different settings in Vuescan as DNG to test different workflows. Import the files into LR, no problem loading DNG profiles (NLP v2.3), but the WB picker struggles to work, I get an error message. If I zoom in and play around I can sometimes find a pixel that will work. But then I get a slighty different WB number for each file
How do I apply the same WB settings to multiple files before conversion?
Epson V750, Vuescan, RAW DNG
What does the error message say?
My procedure is to in Lightroom Classic (LrC) white balance on the blank border/edge of the film. I shoot loose in my camera film copying system to always include some of the blank edge in the digital image.
Then, crop the digital image in LrC to just the film image, not including anything outside the image. Select all the digital copies of the film frames and in the Develop module of LrC, Sync only the white balance and crop to all of those selected images. You can select them in the film strip. It’s important to white balance the copies of all the images from the same roll, as the orange mask will vary from one roll to the next.
Finally, do the conversion in NLP of all those images from the same roll. I always have NLP make .tiff files of the originals. I have been using LrC for many years and I personally need to be able to use the sliders in their normal way.
Once I am sure that I have the tiffs from the conversion, I sort the files in LrC by type and delete ONLY the raws, keeping the tiffs permanently.
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Cannot set the white balance here. Please click on a darker neutral area
Thanks Ken_Seals, yes, that makes sense, going to do this. Appreciate the help
Another cheeky LrC question…
Why does it appear that I have 2x files active?

I am guessing that at some point, when experimenting, I made a copy of the scan that I am working on, and now when I export out of LrC it exports 2x files, 1x converted and 1x not.
I have never found LR to make sense, not intuitive, and I have look around to try and figure out where this ‘ghost’ version of the file is so I can delete it, but it has my stumped, thanks