Color Issues within Lightroom CC

Hey! Got it, thank you for sharing!

I should have mentioned this earlier, but you should also try to mask out the sprocket holes. Have the mask in between the light source and the film, and have it mask out those sprocket holes. The sprocket holes allow for direct light from the light table to hit your lens, which can cause lens flare, or reflection in the lens… it also can cause light to enter the enter the film “through the side” of the film (i.e. not directly illuminated.

That may help improve the initial conversion and provide more consistent color across the frame.

Still, it is possible to get this in a good place using only Negative Lab Pro…

First, for whatever reason, you can see that the colors are “over-separated” - so some of the yellow is green, and other parts look more like it should. To fix this, start with a LOWER pre-saturation. Here, I used a Pre-Sat value of 1.

Second, it appears this negative was probably over-exposed a bit. Because of this, it has a hard time finding a good reference “black” in the scene. You can adjust this using the “shadows” color correction. Here, I’ve added a good deal of yellow, magenta and red (looking at it now, I think I went overboard on the red, haha).

But you can see that this is a lot editability in here!
