Hello All! Having some issues here. Hope someone can help.
Which version of Negative Lab Pro are you using? v2.4.2
If using DSLR scanning, please include: 1) camera make/model, 2) lens make/model, 3) light source make/model
Sony A6300
7Artisans 65mm Macro
Photomyne Light mat (Waiting for my 99 CRI one to arrive)
- Please add the conversion you are having difficulty with, along with a short description of what you are seeing wrong with it.
All negatives are dark and blue
- It’s not required, but it’s very helpful if you can provide a link to the original RAW or TIFF negative before conversion. If you don’t want to share this file publicly, you can also email it to me at nate@natephotographic.com
Raw image can be found here: Dropbox - DSC08876.ARW - Simplify your life
Thanks in advance for the help!