ISSUE NLP conversion - Mac with Catalina 10.15.6

Hi i have this issue:

ERROR: Could not write photo for analysis.

Plugin Folder: /Users/xxxx/Plugins/NegativeLabPro.lrplugin

If the problem persists, it may be a folder permissions issue. This can usually be resolved by reinstall the plugin from the root of your main hard drive (i.e. 'C:') to ensure there are no folder permission issues.

There is no problem with folder permission.

Let me know.

Hi @iovlui, welcome to the NLP forums, Iā€™m pretty sure that this can be resolved.

It seems that the two points you raise seem to be in contradiction. Iā€™m probably not reading them correctly.

In the guide, Nate wrote a specific point about where to install the plugin:

    1. Next, copy the ā€œNegativeLabPro.lrpluginā€ folder into a folder that is easy to navigate to and you wonā€™t accidentally delete later. IMPORTANT!!! - You must place the ā€œNegativeLabPro.lrpluginā€ on the same drive as Lightroom, and you need to have full read/write access to the folder. Also, make sure there are NO special characters anywhere in the path to the plugin folder (especially relevant to users with accents in their name). If any of the above conditions arenā€™t met, some of the tools in Negative Lab Pro will fail. The safest place to put the folder is directly on the root of your main drive (like C:)

Can you verify that you have installed the plugin to a folder as discussed in point 8?

I installed on a new Mac with Catalina 10.15.6 the latest version of Lightroom and the plugin gives me that warning. On another iMac (Catalina 10.15.6) I have no problems.

Ah, now i understand your post a bit more clearly, I thought that you had written the part with the C:, which is why I jumped to concluding that you installed on windows. I donā€™t have experience with NLP on OSX, perhapes @nate is around to have a look?

Hi! I have started hearing of a couple of users having issues with folder permissions in Catalina.

Can you try this fix and see if it resolves the issue for you?

Thank You @nate now it works!

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