List of stock options/settings (Edit->Settings) seem to be missing


I’ve been using NLP v3 for a number of months without issue. Recently, in a youtube video I saw where the person brought up NLP 3, I saw that there was a list of default options/settings in a pulldown menu within the “Settings” category “Edit” screen. When I select “settings”, there are no options from which to choose.

What can I do to install the default options in the settings menu?

Thanks for your ideas about this…


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Im having this exact same issue. I recently learnt that its meant to have some default profiles/settings but I do not have any.

Any help on resolving this would be great


Have you tried completely uninstalling and then reinstalling NLP?

Your edits will remain unaffected by doing this. You should probably remove the licence key when you uninstall.

Here are the default settings in the pulldowns of the Edit tab on my Macs:

The settings should be put in the respective folders by the installer.

Yes I’ve tried this (remove via the menu in lightroom and re-install with the installer) and it made no difference. Still no settings:

Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 16.47.28

@nate sorry to tag you but have you got any idea whats going on?

Ive managed to fix this. Here is how:

First you need to extract the pkg installer file. Open the terminal, navigate to the pkg file and run pkgutil --expand 'Install Negative Lab Pro 3.0.2.pkg' tmp

Now type open tmp to open the tmp folder in Finder.

From here you should see a Preset_Package.pkg. Right click and choose Show Package Contents. Go into the scripts folder and copy the NLP B+W and NLP Color folders.
Now navigate in finder to ~/Library/Application Support/Negative Lab Pro/Presets and paste those two folders into it.

NLP should now show the presets as expected.

Hi @tmilner

So sorry for the issue. There must be something with your system or settings that is preventing the installer from properly adding the files where they should go.

Can you share what Mac OS you are on?
It may also be helpful if you can re-run the 3.0.2 installer, and then:

  1. With the installer window open and selected, go to “Window > Installer log”
  2. In the installer log window, select the “Save” icon on the top right of the window
  3. Email that installer log to me at

Also, if anyone else has this issue, you can download the preset files from here and then just add both of these folders to ~/Library/Application Support/Negative Lab Pro/Presets


Hello Nate:

I do not have the folder you mentioned. I do not see a subfolder in the Library/Application Support folder called “Negative Lab Pro”.

Thanks again for your assistance,


Make sure you are looking in your user directory library (which is what the ~ represents) and not the library directly on your hard drive.

This directory can be tricky to locate because it is hidden by the system.

The quickest way to find it is to go to Finder, then select “Go > Go to folder” and copy/paste this into the field: ~/Library/Application Support

From there you should be able to navigate to the Negative Lab Pro directory.

If you still don’t see the Negative Lab Pro directory, make sure you have run the v3 installer. If you have run this and still don’t see the directory, please follow the instructions from my last post to send me the installer log so I can see if I can figure out why it hasn’t worked for you.

Yup, that did it!

Thanks Nate…

What did?

  • Re-running the installer?
  • Adding the files manually?
  • Other?

Adding rhe files manually

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