LUTs not working for DNGs but working fine for Tiff (Silverfast)

Hello, I’ve just started doing rolls of conversion from DNG scans since I preferred the look of Tiffs before. I’ve noticed that the LUT selector doesn’t affect the preview or the histogram - the picture stays the exact same. I went back through old DNG scans I had made before, and the LUT selector doesn’t work with those. Then, I created some new Tiff scans and the LUTs still seem to work with those. Anything missing with my config or wrong with my process? I like the looks of my DNG scan conversions, but would like to see what different LUTs applied will do. Thanks for any help! Below are the steps I’m using to reproduce the issue:

  • Plustek 8200i, Silverast scan as 48 bit HDR, DNG.
  • Import DNG
  • Run through process after clicking " File > Plug-in Extras > Update Viewscan/Silverfast DNGs"
  • In Library module, run “Metadata > Read Metadata from File”
  • Then I do an NLP conversion as usual, using Basic color model

Hi @barney,

Try this…

  1. Import a fresh DNG (which hasn’t been converted before)
  2. Run “Update Viewscan/Silverfast DNG” update utility and then “Metadata > Read Metadata from File”
  3. Restart Lightroom
  4. Open Negative Lab Pro on the file you imported in step 1
  5. With Negative Lab Pro open (before converting) check and see what the profile is. It should be “Negative Lab v2.3” and you should NOT see any errors (like “Profile Missing”)
  6. If everything looks OK, go ahead and convert, and see if the LUTs are working (you may want to change the strength to 200% just to make it more obvious as you change through them)

If you get a “profile missing” error in Step 5, then you need to add the profile named “Negative Lab - Silverfast RAW 2.3.dcp” which will be in the folder “Vuescan Profiles” that came with the download of Negative Lab Pro.

If everything looks OK in step 5, but you are not seeing the LUTs make any changes in step 6, please let me know.


Thanks @nate , that got me in the right direction. I double checked the NLP installation instructions, and this step is what got the LUTs working for me:

For Lightroom Classic users to use the new LUT profiles, move the “NLP Enhanced Settings” folder to the default directory for presets.

Thanks for getting me in the right direction. I should have checked that first!