Metadata fails to export on v2.3.0


I was able to consistently recreate and then get past a small error and wanted to report it.
When you set Focal Length to something non-numeric like Double Exposure, your metadata will fail to export with a generic warning, as shown below.

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 9.29.23 PM

Note that the export does succeed, but no keywords are set on the exported image.

If there are certain criteria over this field, is it possible to display it in the error? I’m assuming there’s an exception while calculating the 35mm equivalent focal distance. If this is the case, the 35mm equivalent field could be empty, instead of the entire metadata write failing.

I’m on MacOS using Lightroom Classic

If curious, the reason I set the metadata this way, I did a double exposure with multiple lenses :slight_smile:

Sorry about that, @brian_film

I need to re-look at this and find a better way to deal with this sort of error, but in the meantime, I have the fields documented in the guide:


No worries, @nate - thank you very much for the link!