Profile Missing on Apple Silicon Macbook

Hello dear fellow users of nlp!

i’ve had a great time the past year using NLP before i upgraded my macbook to one of the apple silicon ones earlier this year. Since then after some time when i prepare my images with Update Vuescan DNGs i always get a “Profile Missing” Error in the Develop Tab after conversion. In the Browse Tab however i can see the preview.

(sorry, i can post only one screenshot as i’m a new user)

My Setup:

  • Lightroom Classic 10.3 with Camera Raw 13.3
  • NLP 2.2.0
  • MacBook Air (M1, 2020)
  • macOS Monterey 12.0 Beta 4 (but had this issue since Big Sur)
  • PrimeFilmXA Super Edition 35mm Film Scanner
  • VueScan 9 x64 9.7.53

I had followed the steps in this post ( File > Import Develop Presets and Profiles ) which works for some time. (i guess until the library is closed, im not sure)


Can you try restarting Lightroom Classic after you run “File > Plugin Extras > Update Vuescan/Silverfast DNG”?

I’ve seen some cases where users had to restart the latest version of Lightroom Classic to get it to recognize the update to the metadata.

Hi nate,

thanks for the reply. That actually worked! I haven’t restarted lightroom in a long time, as i didn’t have a reason to. I’ll keep this in mind next time.

stay safe.