Profile Missing - Silverfast 48bit HDR RAW DNG


Not sure if anyone can help me - I’m down to the last 4 attempts in the trial version of NLP 2.2 to get this working before I give up, and I’d really like to buy a license - but there’s little point if I can’t fix this…

On MacOS Big Sur, Lightroom Classic 10.2, with Silverfast 8 AI Studio (Latest build)…

  1. I scan a negative in Positive Mode, as 48bit HDR RAW with file type DNG.
  2. I import the DNG into Lightroom, with no develop preset, and no metadata changes…
  3. I run the “Update VueScan/Silverfast DNGs” plugin extra.
  4. At that point, the colour profile in the develop module changes from ‘Color’ to “Negative Lab v2.1”, but shows “Profile missing”.

I’ve tried reinstalling the profiles, and even importing them from the package into Lightroom, but lightroom says all the profiles already exist…

Can ANYONE help and tell me why it can’t find the right profile, please?

Thanks in advance,


…I’m wondering if my DNG file is tagged incorrectly or something, because in Lightroom, none of the ‘develop’ profiles are available (they’re all greyed out) except for NLP-Tif-None… So maybe Lightroom isn’t seeing that it’s a Silverfast RAW DNG file?


Can you try restarting Lightroom after step 3 above? There seems to be a glitch in the latest few versions of Lightroom Classic, where even though Lightroom will recognize the updated metadata on the photo, it won’t recognize that the profile is available for it. And restarting Lightroom will often get it to recognize it.

Also, in terms of the profiles, make sure you have added ALL of the profiles in the “Vuescan Profiles” folder.

You can also send me a sample DNG to (using a DNG that has NOT been through the “Update Vuescan/Silverfast DNG” utility) and I will take a look at the metadata. Silverfast is really really inconsistent with how it adds metadata about the scanner (which is one reason I built the utility to fix the metadata) but in some cases, I can make a profile that will avoid the need for the utility.


Ok - This is really really bizarre… I was trying all last night and this morning to get this to work…

I couldn’t figure out why Camera RAW in Photoshop would open the DNG file and happily display the 'Negative Lab v2.1" profile without saying it couldn’t be found, but lightroom couldn’t…

Now it’s working in Lightroom - but the only things I’ve done since it not working is:

Opened a DNG in Photoshop, opening it first in Camera RAW. From the profiles there, I clicked the visible “Negative Lab” profiles to mark them as favourites… (They weren’t visible in the Lightroom panel still, but were in Camera RAW.)

I went back to lightroom, still couldn’t see the profiles… So I loaded a DNG into Lightroom, went through the Update VueScan/Silverfast DNG process, converted the negative - and then the colours went completely bonkers… really dark, with just a few visible highlights… Completely trashed the image…
“Profile Missing” was still visible in the Lightroom develop panel.

But then after clicking ‘convert negative’, I clicked Apply… Now before this, I’d been wary because step 1 of the NLP plugin says that you should only proceed if the Negatlive Lab Pro Profile is correctly selected with no errors… obviously “Profile Missing” is an error, so I hadn’t proceeded past “Covnert Negative”…

But I clicked “Apply”… Then voila… the profile was found and the colours corrected…

I seem to have got it working now, but no idea what part of all that process suddenly made it start working?

I’ve registered it now - Thanks Nate. Still want a sample DNG, just in case?