Stack Overflow While Converting

Was trying to convert a bunch of 51 negatives plus virtual copies for a total of 306 images.

This is what I got:

I acknowledged the error message three times and then pressed OK. None of the negatives or VCs was converted.

NLP 3.0.2 on LrC 14.0.1 on macOS 15.1 on M1 MacBook Air 2020.

I quit LrC and restarted it, launched NLP. Now, NLP wend directly to the tab shown above, then came up with 3 stack overflow messages again…and converted one negative upon pressing “Apply”. Tried this again, but no further conversions happened.

Re-tested with 360 images and Lightroom Classic 13.4 … and got the stack overflow again.

Note: The test images are in different folders and I converted them all by selecting them all in their surrounding folder.

Then, I unconverted the images (they still looked negative) and the images turned positive for a few second before reverting back to negatives. Looks like the conversions were done, but could not be displayed.

Adding the images to the quick collection did not change anything. Neither did moving all copies to one folder.

Yes, this is a known memory issue in NLP that should be fixed in v3.1 beta…