I’d also like to confirm that LR 13.0.1 is working with NLP 3.0.2 on my machine, including roll analysis. Windows 11 (22H2).
I have stumbled upon a problem in LRC 13.0.1. When I run the NLP plugin, then read the metadata it seems to work ok, but when I switch to the Develop tab in LRC, it is saying the profile is missing. But, Negative Lab v2.3 says it’s assigned as the profile. I had this problem last night after I upgraded and it seemed to fix itself, but now it’s back. Any thoughts?
It seems that if you import into LRC, apply your plugin, read metadata, then you have have to create a virtual copy, then click on develop and the profile is correct. Different from before I think.
I’ve just installed LRC 13.0.1 and NLP 3.0.2 works very poorly, the adjustments are delayed by 3 or 4 seconds every time I move a slider. If I don’t wait the 3 seconds, and move slider again, then image will adjust in blinks, 3 seconds apart. With LRC 13.0.0, like others here, my adjustment pannel was completely locked. Running MacBookPro M1Pro 13.3.2. And when I cmd + N to open NLP panel, it loads for 15 full seconds with “Loading settings and metadata. This could take a minute”. Please help as NLP is unusable right now
Yep, NLP should be working great in v13.0.1!
Hmm… this should not be the case, so it is possible that something has gone wrong here for you.
Here’s a few things you can try:
Reset Your Lightroom Preferences.
Sometimes your preferences can become corrupted during upgrades or downgrades, and lead to very erratic performance. To fix this, just reset your Lightroom Preferences following these instructions. After doing this, you may need to re-run the Negative Lab Pro installer. -
Create a New Catalog
Similar to Lightroom Preferences, if you catalog becomes corrupted somehow, it can also significantly slow down performance. You can try creating a new test catalog, and importing some negatives into that catalog to see if this fixes performance. -
Change your Graphics Acceleration Settings
Depending on your system and setup, you may find that some of the graphics acceleration actually slows down your performance. To test this, go to “Preferences > Performance” and turn off graphics acceleration to see if this improves your speed. -
Make sure you have adequate memory and free hard drive space
What you’re describing could also be caused if your system if very low on resources.
Hope that helps!
No luck so far … I reset LR preferences, and NLP still performing poorly. When I choose a scan and open NLP it takes 15 seconds to open.However, the controls are now responsive Then when I generate a positive, LR takes 48 seconds to create the Tiff.
Meanwhile I’ve lost my ^N short cut and am unable to manually reinstall with your instructions from June 2020, as when I System Preferences > App Shortcuts > I’m unable to choose LR as it is not in the drop down list.
I haven’t tried a new catalog yet as my brain is already way to scrambled at this point. With my old preferences gone I’m trying to rebuild. Thanks, Tom
Generating a positive is just using Lightroom’s export feature. So it should take the same time if you instead went to “File > Export” in Lightroom and didn’t involve NLP at all.
It should not take Lightroom this long to export a TIF file.
If you rerun the Negative Lab Pro installer, it will add the shortcut key back. Easy-peasy. Or you can go to “System Preferences > Keyboards > App Shorcuts” and click the “+” symbol. Then select “Adobe Lightroom Classic” as the app, and then follow the rest of the instructions.
Another thing that might be worth trying as well is making sure you are regularly saving/optimizing your catalog. Go to “Lightroom Classic > Catalog Settings > Backup Catalog: Once a day, when existing Lightroom”
Beyond that, you might need to do some trouble shooting with Adobe.
Great news that the issue may have been resolved!!!
I’ll have to wait for the next update to Adobe Lightroom Classic 13 for macOS 14 Sonoma before upgrading. I use a few of Jeffrey Friedl’s plug-in (among others) and some of them, such as Metadata Wrangler have stopped working. Metadata Wrangler allows me to strip (or add) selected metadata components in images as they are exported.
Thanks I’ll try these when back from traveling