Sony a7CM2 profile missing

Hello, can we have a profile for the Sony Alpha 7C M2? Tried to contact you via email, but got no response, so trying it here. Thanks! - Martin

Any luck with a profile for a Sony a7c ii?

Just bumping this thread.

Sorry for the delay guys, it’s been a very busy holiday!

Yes, you can get the 7C M2 profile here:

You can add it by going to “File > Import Develop Profiles and Presets”.

Please note that if you have previous conversions that were made when the profile was missing, you may see the display of these photos change as the profile becomes available. You will either need to reconvert which is what I recommend (open NLP > go to “convert” tab, click “unconvert” and then convert again) or you can change the camera profile for those particular photos to Adobe Color.

If anyone is missing other camera profiles, I keep everything in this dropbox folder (and of course, the next release will bring the installer up to date):

Amazing, thank you for the quick response.
Hope your busy holidays were great holidays.
